Feedback: how feedback affects team growth

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Feedback is important for building trusting relationships within the company and helps to improve work processes. Feedback from employees helps to identify weaknesses in the company that can be improved, while feedback from management allows employees to evaluate their work and identify areas for growth.

Why is feedback important for a company?

Everyone understands what feedback is, but not everyone understands its impact on the global development of the company. Here are some aspects that feedback affects in a company:

  1. Increased productivity: feedback allows you to quickly identify and solve problems that may hinder the effective work of employees. This helps to increase the overall productivity of the team. In companies, especially in the IT sphere, employees are the most important element, so the efficiency of the company depends on their condition.
  2. In addition, feedback helps not only to identify inefficient work processes but also to learn about alternative solutions to these problems.
  3. Increase employee motivation and engagement: when management is interested in the opinion of employees, they feel more important and are more actively involved in the company’s life. Also, improving working conditions allows employers to prevent employee burnout and improve results. Also, providing feedback on employee performance by management can open up new areas of growth and improve work processes.
  4. Developing professional skills: constructive feedback helps employees understand their strengths and weaknesses, which contributes to their professional development and career growth. Feedback also allows managers and HR managers to better plan training programs and workshops for new employees.
  5. Improving corporate culture: Regular exchange of views helps to create an atmosphere of openness and trust in the team, which has a positive impact on the overall morale of employees. It also promotes better understanding among employees and improves teamwork.
  6. Customer focus: Employees often receive positive or negative feedback from customers and better understand what is important to them, so they can influence service improvements and attract more customers.

How to effectively organize feedback in the company


In order to receive constructive feedback and improve the company, you need to follow some points:

  1. Create a favorable atmosphere for giving feedback. Employees need to understand that their opinions and feedback are important and will be considered. Creating a culture of trust and openness is key. If a person feels that there may be an unpredictable reaction to their negative feedback, they will not tell the truth and management will not receive constructive feedback.
  2. Set clear goals. Determine why you need feedback. It can be to improve work processes, develop corporate culture, identify problems, etc. 
  3. Set a regular schedule for providing feedback, for example, monthly or quarterly. This will help systematize the process and make it part of the corporate culture. This approach helps to analyze changes and understand what results the feedback collection brings.
  4. Use different types of feedback. Conducting anonymous surveys allows you to collect feedback from a large number of employees. Surveys can be either general or specialized, focused on specific aspects of work. The second option is to hold personal meetings with management. This allows employees to express their opinions and suggestions and understand the reaction of managers to these ideas. The third option for collecting feedback is to organize focus groups, which allows you to get detailed feedback from specific groups of employees and discuss specific issues in more depth. Use different feedback methods and get more information from employees.
  5. Analyze and use the data you receive. Some companies collect feedback and let it go, but this is not the right strategy. Collect and analyze all the feedback you receive to identify the main trends and problems. Record people’s feedback and use analytics tools to process the data. Based on the information, develop an action plan to improve workflows or solve problems. It is important to show employees that their feedback really affects changes in the company, so they will show more interest in the company’s development and achieve more and more results.
  6. Provide feedback. It is also important for employees to receive feedback from management to understand their performance and work on improving their skills.

Tips for collecting feedback


Instead of the broad notion of “What could we improve in the company” or “What shortcomings do you see in the company’s work,” it is better to ask more specific questions, such as “How can you evaluate the customer search in your department? What would you like to change?”, ‘How could we get more applications from the website?’. When you ask specific questions, it’s easier for the employee to answer because their mind is focused on the issue at hand.

Choose the right time

Choose a time when employees will not be busy with urgent matters (for example, in the morning before the start of the workday or during lunchtime). It’s better to plan the feedback gathering in advance and let employees know about it. 

Ask for employee feedback after completing important projects or presentations when the details are still fresh. For example, when the SEO team has analyzed the results for the last quarter, approach them and ask how they feel about the data and how to improve the performance.

Consider different sources of feedback

Ask for feedback from different employees (managers, team leaders, supervisors, etc.) to understand how the work is going at all levels. It’s also advisable to get feedback from customers, partners, and other people associated with your company. Analyzing different points of view will help you make your brand unique and attractive to everyone (customers, employees at different levels, partners, and management).

Be prepared to take action

In addition to being prepared for negative feedback (because everyone has a different point of view and some may be unhappy), you also need to be prepared to take action. It’s not enough to collect feedback, you need to analyze it, identify the main areas of growth, create an improvement strategy, and implement it. Only then will feedback be useful.

Thank for the feedback

After receiving feedback, always thank the person for their time, effort, and candor (even if the feedback is not what you expected). This increases the likelihood that you will receive honest feedback in the future. Also, always inform employees about the changes you’ve made as a result of their feedback. This shows that you take their opinions seriously and increases loyalty and trust.


Feedback is a key element in the growth of a company. Thanks to constructive feedback, you can understand all the problems and improve the work of employees, achieving their loyalty and trust. But in order to get frank answers from employees, you need to create the right atmosphere, set clear goals, use different methods of collecting feedback, and implement real changes based on the data collected. Without this, there will be no result. 

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