Who is a team leader: Main responsibilities and how to become one


A team lead is a professional who is responsible for managing a team of specialists, usually in the IT industry, although this role can be used in other industries as well. A team leader acts as an intermediary between the development team and senior management or project managers. They not only distribute tasks, but also help their colleagues solve complex technical issues.

The main tasks of a team leader

  1. Task distribution: A team leader is responsible for assigning tasks to team members based on their skills and experience. It is important that each team member has clear goals and areas of responsibility.
  2. Technical support: Timlid is often the most experienced team member who helps solve complex technical problems. He can be a mentor for junior employees.
  3. Work coordination: Timlid ensures that the team’s work meets deadlines and quality requirements. This includes regular meetings with the team to discuss progress and resolve ongoing issues.
  4. Communication with management: Timlid is the key liaison between the team and senior management. He reports on performance, discusses strategic decisions, and helps formulate technical requirements.
  5. Team motivation and development: An important task of a team leader is to maintain team morale. They help to create a positive work environment, encourage the development of professional skills, and resolve conflicts.
  6. Risk management: A team leader identifies possible risks in the team’s work and looks for ways to minimize them. This may include technical difficulties, communication problems, or other obstacles.

Benefits of the team leader role

  1. Increased responsibility and leadership skills: A team leader has the opportunity to develop their leadership skills by influencing the work of the team and making key decisions. This can be an important step towards further career growth, including moving to higher management positions.
  2. Increased professional credibility: As a team leader, you gain respect and trust not only from your team, but also from other departments and the company’s management. This helps to strengthen your professional credibility.
  3. Expanding technical knowledge and skills: Timlid is constantly faced with a variety of technical challenges and tasks, which allows him to expand his knowledge of various technological aspects and improve his skills in finding solutions to complex problems.
  4. Ability to influence the final outcome of the project: Due to his leadership role, Timlid has a real opportunity to influence the quality and success of the project. This brings great job satisfaction when the team achieves its goals.
  5. Personal development and growth: The role of a team leader stimulates personal development by helping you become more organized, disciplined, and effective in decision-making.
  6. Solving strategic problems: A team leader has the opportunity to participate in the formation of the team and project development strategy, which allows them to work on more global tasks.

Disadvantages of the team leader role

  1. High level of responsibility: Responsibility can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. A team leader is responsible not only for their own work, but also for the results of the entire team. This can create a lot of pressure and stress, especially when there are tight deadlines or high expectations from management.
  2. Insufficient time for technical tasks: Due to the responsibilities associated with managing a team, a team leader may not have enough time to complete their own technical tasks.
  3. Possible conflicts within the team: A team leader often finds himself or herself having to distribute tasks, make difficult decisions, and resolve conflicts. This can lead to tension or misunderstandings in the team, which requires additional efforts to maintain a healthy work environment.
  4. Requirements for multitasking: Timlid has to handle many different tasks at the same time: managing a team, communicating with management, solving technical problems, and meeting deadlines. This requires a high ability to multitask, which can be exhausting.
  5. Responsibility for team training and development: While in-house team training is an important part of the team leader’s job, it can also be a challenge, especially if team members have different levels of training or motivation.
  6. Dependence on team results: The success of a team leader depends heavily on the performance of the team. If the team performs poorly or fails to achieve its goals, it can negatively affect the reputation of the team leader, even if he or she is doing his or her best.
  7. Difficulty in balancing managerial and technical responsibilities: An effective team leader should combine management work with technical tasks. This often leads to difficulties in balancing time and priorities, which can reduce efficiency in both areas and increase stress.

How to become a team leader?

Becoming a team leader is not only a matter of having technical skills, but also leadership skills and the ability to effectively manage a team. Here are a few aspects that will help you get closer to the role of a team leader:

  • Develop technical skills: To become a team leader, it’s important to have in-depth knowledge of the field you’re working in. This will allow you to understand the challenges your team faces, effectively help them solve technical problems, and make tough decisions.
  • Take initiative: Take initiative at work by taking ownership of challenging tasks or suggesting new ideas to improve processes. This will help you stand out from your coworkers and show your bosses that you’re ready for a more responsible role.
  • Develop your leadership skills: Learn how to manage people, motivate them, and resolve conflicts. This can be done by participating in group projects where you take on the role of an informal leader.
  • Improve your communication skills: Effective communication is a key aspect of being a team leader. Learn to articulate your thoughts clearly, listen to others, and give constructive feedback. After all, you will have to communicate and find a common language with your team, management, customer, etc.
  • Work on your emotional intelligence: It is important to learn to understand the emotions of others and manage your own. A high level of emotional intelligence will help you become a better leader and maintain a positive team atmosphere.
  • Strive for self-development: Constantly improve your knowledge and skills. Learn new technologies by reading books, attending seminars, or participating in conferences.
  • Be a role model for others: Always demonstrate a high level of professionalism and responsibility. Show that you are able to maintain team spirit and work for results.
  • Be open about your ambitions: Make it clear to your management that you want to become a team leader. Express your desire to take on more responsibility and explain why you are ready for the role.


A team leader is a person who manages his team and communicates with management. His main tasks are to build a workflow, maintain team spirit, and report on the results to the boss. To become a team leader, you need to work on yourself, develop hard and soft skills, show responsibility, and be ready for difficulties.

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