Career ladder in IT: Junior, Middle, Senior


The career ladder in IT has become a fairly common question in the modern world. Nowadays, many people work in IT or plan to change the specifics of their activities and move into this field. However, no matter how much experience they have in IT, every ambitious person wants to grow their career – from a beginner to a professional. Let’s take a closer look at each career step and learn how to move from one to the next.

Who is a junior specialist?

Junior is the first level of professional skills in IT. Key aspects that define a junior:

  • Experience level: Juniors are usually new to or just starting their IT career. They may have basic technical knowledge and little experience gained during their studies or internships.
  • Skills: Although Juniors should have basic knowledge, they usually do not yet have a deep understanding or experience in large projects. They learn to adapt quickly and develop their competencies under the guidance of more experienced colleagues.
  • Training and support: It is important for juniors to have ongoing support from more experienced colleagues. They are usually eager to learn, and it is important to give them this opportunity so that they can absorb new knowledge and develop skills faster.
  • Role in projects: Juniors are usually involved in specific tasks under the supervision of senior colleagues. 

To summarize, a junior is a person who works exclusively to gain experience, does small projects under the supervision of specialists and helps more professional colleagues. When a junior has gained enough experience, worked in his position for a sufficient period of time, and mastered new skills, he reaches the middle level.

Who is a middle specialist?

A mid-level specialist is a more experienced mid-level specialist. Here are the key aspects that define a mid-level:

  • Experience level: Middles usually have significant experience in the IT field, which allows them to independently perform a variety of tasks and understand complex technical problems (unlike Juniors).
  • Skills: they have deep technical knowledge and skills in a specific area. Middles are able to work with more complex technologies and understand strategies that juniors do not yet understand.
  • Leadership skills: Mids can already manage less experienced colleagues or teams of specialists. They are usually involved in project planning and organization, problem solving, and team coordination.
  • Strategic thinking: They understand broader strategies and technologies due to their experience. They can also make important decisions to achieve company goals and take responsibility.

To summarize, a mid-level professional is a mid-level professional with deep technical knowledge and leadership skills who is able to effectively make technical decisions and manage projects in their area of expertise. 

Who is a senior in IT?

A senior in IT is a designation of a specialist with a high level of experience and skills. Here are the key aspects that define a senior in IT:

  • Level of experience: Seniors have significant experience in the IT field, which exceeds several years. They have deep technical knowledge and practical experience in large projects.
  • Skills: They have a high level of knowledge in their field, which allows them to develop complex tactics, implement technical best practices, and solve problems at a strategic level.
  • Leadership skills: Seniors are able to manage large projects and teams of engineers, ensuring high achievements and results.
  • Strategic Thinking: They understand the broader impacts of their work on business processes and can make strategic decisions aimed at achieving the organization’s big goals.
  • Mentoring and counseling: Seniors often act as mentors to less experienced colleagues, helping them with their professional growth and development.

In summary, seniors in IT are highly skilled professionals who have a deep understanding of the technical aspects of their field and have influence over the strategic elements of projects.

Comparison of junior, middle, senior

For a better understanding, let’s look at a table comparing specialists of different levels:

Level of experienceBeginner in IT, basic knowledgeIntermediate experience, confident in their technical knowledgeHigh level of experience, expert in his field
SkillsBasic technical skills, supervised training
Deeper technical knowledge, ability to work with more complex tasksHigh level of expertise, strategic thinking
Leadership skillsNot required at this stage
Able to manage less experienced colleagues (juniors)Managing large projects and teams
Strategic thinkingIn the process of developmentUnderstanding the impact of your work on projectsFocus on the strategic goals of the organization
MentoringSupport and training is availableThe ability to provide advice to less experiencedProviding mentoring and development support to other specialists

How to grow your career in IT?


Career growth in IT is not just about technical knowledge. It’s also about a systematic approach to work, communication skills, and constant growth and adaptation to change. Here are a few steps to help in this process:

  1. Education and certification: Continuing your education and obtaining new relevant certifications is important for developing a career in IT. Educational courses, elective programs, online courses, and certifications can improve and deepen your knowledge and provide important experience for further transition to a new professional level.
  2. Practical experience and projects: Active participation in real-world projects and practical experience is also an important element of growth. It is important to gain real-world experience in various areas of your field and expand your knowledge base.
  3. Mentoring and peer learning: Look for opportunities to learn from more experienced colleagues to learn from their knowledge and get answers to all your technical questions. Taking on the role of a mentor or mentor also contributes to your own professional development, because when you teach someone, you remember the material better.
  4. Developing communication skills: communication skills, time management, teamwork, and conflict resolution are important elements for a high level in IT. Develop these skills and you will become a more effective leader and bring yourself closer to the next level of the career ladder.
  5. Building and maintaining professional connections: Participating in conferences, seminars, events, and IT communities can expand your knowledge and help you find new career opportunities.
  6. Continuous self-improvement: The IT field is changing rapidly, so it’s important to stay up to date with the latest technologies and trends. Continuous self-improvement, reading literature, attending webinars, learning new tools and techniques will help you grow professionally. But there is a burnout point in this aspect. When a person works and studies too much, sooner or later, he or she loses strength. Not only you, but also the company’s management is interested in your growth and development. Therefore, employers should do everything possible to prevent burnout among their employees.
  7. Career planning: It is important to have a clear career development plan that includes short-term and long-term goals, as well as steps to achieve each of them.

In general, career growth in IT requires a systematic approach, perseverance, and openness to learning. Continuously develop technical 

and interpersonal skills to become a successful specialist in your field and reach new heights.


There are three main levels of career development in IT: Junior, Middle, Senior. Each of these levels means different skills and roles in projects. To move to the next level, you need to work on your professional and communication skills. Employers, in turn, should do everything possible to prevent burnout and motivate their staff

HRbanda will help you find IT specialists of any level: Junior, Middle, Senior. If you want to hire real specialists, don’t hesitate to contact HRbanda.

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How to write a motivation letter for successful employment


A motivation letter will help you attract the employer and get the job you want. With this document, you can show your interest in the vacancy, emphasize your skills and experience, and demonstrate your motivation and willingness to work for the company. Let’s take a look at what should be in a motivation letter and how to write it correctly.

What is a motivation letter?

A motivation letter for a job is a document that accompanies your resume when applying for a job, internship, study, etc. In it, you express your interest in a particular position, emphasize your skills, experience, and motivation, and explain why you are the right person for the job. Often, a motivation letter is confused with a cover letter, and indeed they are interchangeable, but have some differences.

The difference between a motivation letter and a cover letter

CriterionMotivation letterCover letter
ObjectiveExpress interest in a particular position or vacancy, explain your motivationPresent a resume to an employer, emphasize qualifications for a specific vacancy
ContentsFocuses on personal and professional motivations, goals and ambitionsFocused on skills, experience and achievements that meet the requirements of the job
StructureIntroduction, main body (explanation of motivation), conclusionIntroduction, main part (description of experience and skills), conclusion
UsageWhen applying for study programs, grants, internships, sometimes when looking for a jobWhen submitting a resume for a vacancy
Focus on achievementsHow achievements are related to professional or academic goalsHow achievements meet the requirements of a particular vacancy
Adaptation to the vacancyUsually adapted to the program or overall goalAdapts to a specific vacancy
ToneOften more personal, reflecting your ambitions and valuesMore professional and business-like, with an emphasis on meeting the requirements of the vacancy
Examples of useApplication for a master’s program, grant application, internship Submitting a resume for a vacancy

In general, both of these documents are aimed at making you stand out among other candidates (for a job, study, or grant), but in slightly different ways. While a cover letter should showcase your achievements, a motivation letter (as the name implies) should show your motivation to work for the company whose vacancy you are interested in. So how do you write the perfect motivation letter?

How to write a motivation letter?

  1. Research the company: Before writing a letter, familiarize yourself with the company, its mission, values, projects, and culture. This is to make your motivation letter more personalized and in line with the company’s values.
  2. Personalize the letter:  Address the letter to a specific person if you know their name. This adds a personal touch to the letter and shows your interest.
  3. Introduction: Begin with a clear and concise introduction that states which position you are applying for and how you heard about it.


“Dear Victoria Ivanovna,

I am interested in the position of software developer in your company XYZ. I found it on your website and believe that my experience and skills perfectly match the requirements of this position.”

  1. Body: Use a few paragraphs to detail your experience, skills, and accomplishments that match the job requirements. Explain why you are interested in the position and how your goals align with the company’s goals.


“I have five years of experience in the IT field, particularly in developing and maintaining web applications. While working at ABC, I created an interactive project management platform that increased the team’s efficiency by 20%. I’m proficient in JavaScript, Python, and C#, and have experience with React and Django frameworks.

I am attracted to the opportunity to work at XYZ because of your reputation as an innovative company that implements modern technologies and approaches to software development. I am confident that my experience and skills will allow me to make a significant contribution to the development of your projects.”

  1. Conclusion: End the letter by thanking them for considering your application, expressing your availability for an interview, and providing contact information to reach you.


“Thank you for considering my application. I am available for an interview at your convenience and look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can be of service to your team. I can be reached at the phone number or email listed above.

Best regards,

Ivan Ivanov”

If you write a motivation letter for a job like this, you’ll be at the top of the list. After all, few people use such a document when applying for a job, but it affects the employer’s opinion of you. When a future manager sees that you are motivated and want to work in this particular company, he or she is more inclined to accept your candidacy.

Tips for writing the perfect motivation letter

  1. Be concise: Try to keep your motivation letter under one page. This greatly simplifies the work of the HR manager and makes them want to contact you for more information.
  2. Avoid clichés: Use your own style and avoid boilerplate phrases. When HR managers or employers look through hundreds of resumes (cover letters, motivation letters) and see the same phrases, they do not pay attention to such applications and often skip them. You need to stand out and be remembered so that the employer will pay attention to you.
  3. Check your letter for errors: Make sure your letter is free of grammatical and stylistic errors. Such shortcomings can cause a negative impression of you and prevent you from getting the job.
  4. Use specific examples: Confirm your skills and experience with specific achievements and results.
  5. Show enthusiasm: Show that you are really interested in this position and that you are motivated to work here. By the way, if you use a personalized fact, it can help you stand out. 

Motivation letter example 

Ivan Ivanenko

[email protected]

+ 38 (123) 456-7890

June 15, 2024

Victoria Ivanovna Sydorenko

Recruitment manager

LLC “TechSoft”

10, Innovatsionna str.

Kyiv, Ukraine

Dear Victoria Ivanovna,

I am interested in the software developer position I found on your website. I believe that my experience and skills meet the requirements of this position.

I have five years of experience in the IT field, particularly in developing and maintaining web applications. While working at ABC, I created an interactive project management platform that increased the team’s efficiency by 20%. I’m proficient in JavaScript, Python, and C#, and have experience with React and Django frameworks.

I am attracted to the opportunity to work for XYZ because of your company’s reputation. It has gained a reputation for excellence in software development and its name is already associated with quality and reliability. I am confident that my experience and skills will allow me to make a significant contribution to the development of your projects. Why am I the right person for this position? I am ready to develop and grow with the company and reach new heights. I fully meet your needs and am ready for challenges.

Thank you for considering my candidacy. I am available for an interview at your convenience and look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can be of service to your team. I can be reached at the phone number or email listed above.

Best regards,

Ivan Ivanenko


A cover letter can help you get the job you want. When writing a cover letter, you should not only identify your motivation and eligibility, but also make it personalized and interesting for the employer. If you want to get your dream job, take some time to create the perfect cover letter.

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What is a letter of recommendation and how to create one?

A letter of recommendation is a document written by a former employer, colleague, teacher, etc. It is made to confirm your qualifications, skills, and experience. A letter of recommendation inspires more trust in a future employer than just words, so it can increase your chances of getting a new job.

The difference between cover and recommendation letters

Candidates often confuse cover letters and letters of recommendation, so let’s take a look at the difference and make it clear.

ParameterCover letter Letter of recommendation
GoalIntroducing the candidate to the employer, showing interest in the vacancyConfirmation of the candidate’s qualifications, skills and experience from a third party
AuthorCandidateFormer employer, colleague, teacher, etc.
ContentBrief overview of experience, skills, motivation, reasons for interest in the positionPositive description of the candidate with examples of his/her achievements and skills
StructureIntroduction, main text with an overview of experience and skills, and acknowledgmentsПредставлення автора, опис професійних якостей та досягнень кандидата, оцінка особистих якостей
Volume1 page1-2 pages
ToneFormal but personalFormal and positive
UsageSubmitted together with a resume/CV to attract the employer’s attention to the candidateSubmitted together with a resume/CV to confirm information about the candidate
Contact informationIncludes the candidate’s contact information so that they can be contacted in case of interestIncludes the author’s contact information so that the information can be confirmed and their involvement in the writing can be verified
AdaptationAdapts to a specific vacancyCan be general or customized for a specific position
Focus Emphasize the relevance to the vacancy and the companyConfirm the candidate’s professional and personal qualities

The table shows that a cover letter and a recommendation letter are completely different things, they are written by different people, but they are used together and are aimed at making the candidate more attractive in the eyes of the employer. 

How to write a letter of recommendation?


If you are writing a letter of recommendation for your employee, you should at least know them well and understand their strengths, skills, and accomplishments. Letters of recommendation have the following structure:


  • Your name
  • Position
  • Company name
  • Company address
  • Your phone number and email
  • Date of writing



  • After the greeting, you should explain how well you know the candidate and how you have worked with them
  • Indicate how long and in what context you have worked together with the candidate

The main text

  • Describe the candidate’s professional skills and qualities
  • Provide specific examples of the candidate’s achievements and results
  • Emphasize the candidate’s personal qualities that will set him or her apart from others

The final part

  • Confirm that you support the candidate
  • Invite them to contact you for a more detailed discussion of the candidate’s skills and additional information
  • Express confidence in the candidate’s potential


  • Sincerely yours
  • Your name
  • Your signature
  • Your contact details

A letter of recommendation is a document and it must be supported by a signature and contacts. Any candidate can forge it, and in order to check whether the letter of recommendation is genuine, the future employer contacts the former one for confirmation.

Tips for writing a letter of recommendation

You need to take a responsible approach to writing a letter of recommendation, because if the future employer wants to clarify the information, you will have to answer for your words.

  1. Be specific: Use concrete examples of the candidate’s accomplishments to back up your statements. For example, instead of the general “He/she is doing a good job,” write “He/she increased sales by 20% in a year by implementing new strategies.”
  2. Be honest: Write only about what you really know about the candidate. Do not exaggerate or use false information. This will have a negative impact on both parties (you and the candidate).
  3. Focus on positive qualities: highlight both professional and personal qualities of the candidate. For example, if the candidate is an excellent team player or leader, emphasize these qualities.
  4. Use a formal style: remain professional throughout the letter. Use a formal style and avoid jargon or informal language.
  5. Structure your email: follow a clear structure: introduction, body, and conclusion to make your email logical and understandable.
  6. Proofread and edit: Check the text for grammatical and stylistic errors. Make sure the text is clear, logical, and free of ambiguous phrases.
  7. Create a short but informative letter: try to be concise and not to make the letter longer than 1-2 pages. Try to include all the necessary information to fully reveal the candidate’s skills.
  8. Focus on the position: consider the specifics of the position for which the candidate is applying. If the letter is submitted for a corporate position, emphasize professional experience and skills. If the candidate is applying for an academic position, focus on academic achievements.
  9. Include contact information: Always include your contact information so that the recipient can contact you for more information and clarification of existing information.

Some employers may think: “Why do we need to spend time with a departing employee and write them a letter of recommendation?” This element is a part of offboarding and affects not only the employee’s future path, but also your company’s reputation, so it is necessary to take the time to write a letter of recommendation.

Letter of recommendation sample

Victoria, HR manager 

[company name]

19, Internetna St., office 47

+380 (00) 00 00 000

[email protected]


Dear [Recipient’s name],

I am writing this letter to express my support for the employee Vasyl Markin. As an HR manager at [company name], I have worked with Vasyl for the past two years and know him to be a qualified specialist and a good person. He is quick to grasp information and learn new things. Vasyl is a strong specialist in website customization and with his skills we have increased the number of applications from our website by 45% in a year. His strongest skills are the ability to concentrate on work processes and deep learning of the material.

In addition to his professional skills, Vasyl is a clear leader and knows how to set the team up for success. People recognize his authority and listen to him. 

This person can really improve your work processes and take your company to the next level. I am waiting for your call to confirm the information and answer all your questions!

Best regards

Victoria Ivanovna


+380 (00) 00 00 000

[email protected]


A letter of recommendation is not just an important element for the employee, but also for the reputation of the company he or she is leaving. The right letter of recommendation can influence the opinion of a future employer and inspire more trust.

A letter of recommendation is used together with a resume and cover letter to provide as much information as possible and showcase the candidate’s strengths. Take a look at this sample letter of recommendation and use it as a template so that your employees can gain a good reputation and move up the career ladder, and your company can be a great start for them.

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How to write a resume to attract the attention of an employer?

A resume is the first impression an employer has of you, so it’s important to make it as attractive and professional as possible. So how do you write a resume correctly?

How to write a resume correctly: step-by-step instructions

Determine the purpose of your resume

Before you start writing your resume, determine your goal. Are you looking for your first job, wanting to change careers, or get a promotion? This step will help you to formulate your resume correctly and focus on the skills that are worth highlighting.

Choose a resume format

There are several resume formats:

  • Chronological: the most common format, in which work experience is arranged in reverse chronological order.
  • Functional: focuses on skills and accomplishments rather than job sequence.
  • Combined: combines elements of chronological and functional formats.

Resume structure

Let’s look at the proper resume structure to attract the attention of an employer:

Headline and contact information: include your name, address, phone number, and email at the beginning of your resume. You can also add links to your LinkedIn profile and portfolio.

Summary or objective: This section includes a brief description of your professional goals and core competencies. It should be clear, specific, and concise so that the employer understands why you are the right person for the position.

Work experience: This section includes your previous work experience in reverse chronological order. For each position, please include:

  1. Company name and location.
  2. Period of work (month and year of start and end).
  3. Title of the position.
  4. Main responsibilities and achievements.

Education: For a better understanding of your professional skills and knowledge, please provide:

  1. Name of the educational institution.
  2. Degree and specialty.
  3. Dates of graduation.
  4. Honors and awards (if any)

Skills: list the main professional skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for. These can be technical skills (knowledge of software, programming languages, etc.) or soft skills (communication, leadership, etc.).

Additional information: this section may include:

  1. Certificates and licenses.
  2. Volunteer experience.
  3. Languages you speak.
  4. Publications, projects, or other professional achievements.

When writing a resume, you should tailor it to the desired position as much as possible and include everything that will help you stand out from other candidates and show the employer that you are exactly what they are looking for.

Key tips for creating a resume


Be specific: One of the most important components of a resume is to be specific. Employers want to see clear and detailed examples that show your accomplishments and contributions to previous companies. Here’s how to be specific when writing a resume:

  • Numbers and metrics: use quantitative indicators to describe your accomplishments. For example, instead of “Improved sales process,” write “Improved sales process, resulting in a 15% increase in sales in six months.”
  • Specific examples: give examples of real tasks and projects in which you participated. For example, “Managed a project to implement a new CRM system, which reduced customer request processing time by 30%.”

Use active verbs: It may seem insignificant, but using active verbs will make your resume more dynamic and appealing. This way, your resume won’t be dry and unemotional, and employers really appreciate it when you show interest in your resume. Here are some examples of active verbs:

  • Developed: “developed a marketing strategy that increased website traffic by 25%”.
  • Managed: “Managed a team of 10 people to complete the project on time and meet all deadlines.”
  • Implemented: “Implemented a new accounting system that reduced costs by 10%.”
  • Improved: “Improved customer service, which increased satisfaction by 20%.”

Emphasize your achievements: Your resume shouldn’t just list your responsibilities, it should emphasize your specific accomplishments. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Accomplishments: Instead of simply stating that you were “responsible for projects,” write “Successfully completed 5 major projects on time and on budget.”
  • Problem-Action-Result: Use the Problem-Action-Result format to structure your accomplishments. For example: “Faced the problem of high staff turnover (problem). Developed a loyalty program for employees (action). Reduced turnover by 20% in a year (result).”

Be concise: brevity and clarity are highly valued by employers and HR managers. When searching for a suitable candidate, they look through hundreds or even thousands of different resumes and CVs. So use short and clear sentences, avoid unnecessary information. Here are some tips:

  • One to two paragraphs per job experience: For each position, use one to two paragraphs to describe the main and most important responsibilities and accomplishments.
  • Highlight key points: Use bullet points to highlight key accomplishments and skills. You don’t need to give all the details, focus on the most important things.
  • Eliminate the unnecessary: avoid irrelevant details that are not directly related to the job you are applying for. Employers don’t really care about your stories and details that don’t relate to the skills they need.

An example of effective resume writing

Resume for Middle Specialist Marketing Manager

Name: Iryna Shevchenko

Address: 34 Franka St., Lviv, Ukraine

Phone: +38 000 000 0000

Email: [email protected]

Brief description

Over 5 years of experience in developing and implementing marketing strategies. I specialize in digital marketing, market analysis and increasing customer engagement. I was interested in your company because you, like me, are focused on continuous development and reaching new heights. I want to help you implement creative marketing solutions and grow together.

Work experience

Digital Marketing Specialist 

ABC Company, Lviv 

January 2020 – present

  • Developed and implemented a marketing strategy that led to a 40% increase in traffic.
  • Managed advertising campaigns in Google Ads and Facebook Ads with a budget of over $100,000.
  • Conducted market and competitor analysis, which helped to identify new business opportunities and optimize marketing strategy and increase sales by 15%.

Marketing Coordinator 

CDE company, Lviv 

July 2017 – December 2019

  • Organized exhibitions and presentations of the company’s services, which allowed to attract more than $40,000 of investments and 150 new clients and partners.
  • Managed content for social media and the website. Thanks to this, brand awareness increased by 43% over the year.
  • Negotiated with suppliers and partners. As a result, we received a 13% discount on supplies.


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv 

Master’s degree in marketing 

September 2013 – June 2017

Average grade point average: 4.7/5

Master’s thesis: “Effectiveness of digital marketing in small business”


  • Marketing tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Hootsuite
  • Data analysis: Excel, Tableau
  • Languages: Ukrainian (native), English (fluent), German (intermediate)

Additional information

  • Certificates: Google Analytics Certified, Facebook Blueprint Certified
  • Hobbies: Traveling, learning foreign languages, photography


Writing a resume is not easy, but it is very important for getting your dream job. The first thing an employer sees is your resume, as well as your cover letter and letter of recommendation (if you have one). You can learn how to write a resume and other important documents in the HRbanda blog

When creating a resume, it is important to indicate the key points that are important for this particular vacancy in order to make the employer think from the first words “Here he is. We’ve been looking for him!

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What is IT and what are the peculiarities of working in IT

IT (information technology) is the largest and fastest growing industry in the modern world. But what exactly does the IT industry consist of, what does it include, and why has it become so popular among modern professionals? After all, all people have at least once thought about starting to work in IT, thinking that it is easy and you can earn a lot of money. Is it really so?

What is IT?

Information technology is a set of methods, processes, and software that collect, store, process, protect, and transmit information. Now it’s clearer why a lot of money is spent in IT, because information is the most important and expensive resource. IT includes a variety of areas, such as:

Software development

  • Web development: creation of websites and web applications. It includes front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and back-end (server side, database).
  • Mobile development: development of applications for mobile devices on iOS and Android platforms.
  • Desktop software development: creation of programs for desktop computers using C++, C#, and Java programming languages.

Network technologies

  • Network administration: setting up and maintaining local and global networks. This ensures the maintenance of the network infrastructure, its continuous operation, and data security. This is very important for companies, educational institutions, and anything else.
  • Network protection: ensuring the security of networks from unauthorized access and attacks.
  • Telecommunications: managing data transmission and communication systems.


  • Data protection: development of strategies and technologies to protect information from theft and loss.
  • Ethical hacking: testing systems for vulnerabilities in order to improve them.
  • Cybercrime investigation: analyzing incidents and identifying online criminals.


  • Database administration: managing database systems (SQL, NoSQL), ensuring their integrity and availability.
  • Database development: creation and optimization of data structures for efficient storage and access to information.

Data analytics

  • Big data: analysis of large amounts of data using specialized tools.
  • Data Science: the use of statistical methods and machine learning to identify patterns and make predictions.
  • BI (Business Intelligence): the use of tools to analyze business data and make decisions.

Cloud technologies

  • Cloud Computing: development and management of cloud services (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud).
  • DevOps: the combination of software development and operations to make IT teams more efficient. The main idea is to integrate and automate processes.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

  • AI Development: the development of artificial intelligence that mimics human thought processes.
  • Machine Learning: creation of algorithms that allow computers to learn and evolve based on data.

Game Development

  • Game Development: creation of computer video games.
  • Game Design: development of concepts, mechanics, and scenarios for games.

Augmented virtual reality (AR/VR)

  • AR/VR Development: development of applications for augmented and virtual reality.
  • Content for AR/VR: development of 3D models and interactive content.

Automation and robotics

  • Robot development: creation and programming of robotic systems.
  • Process automation: the use of technologies to automate production and business processes.

In other words, the IT sector includes many different areas, but all of them are in one way or another related to the collection, processing, storage, or transmission of information. But how do you get into IT and find a job in this field?

How to find a job in IT?

  1. Determine your specialization: first, you need to determine which of the above areas you would like to work in and which one suits you best.
  2. Gain the necessary knowledge and skills: To be competitive in the labor market, you need to have the appropriate knowledge and skills. Take online courses in your chosen field, get a certificate, or go to university to study for a degree.
  3. Create the right resume and portfolio: in order to stand out among other candidates, you need to catch the employer’s eye with your resume and arouse interest in your candidacy. Indicate the points of contact with the company in your cover letter and your main skills in your resume. This will help you start your professional career in IT and move up the career ladder over time.
  4. Use professional networks and platforms to find a job: LinkedIn can help you not only find new professional contacts in IT, but also improve your knowledge of the field. And with the help of job search platforms, you can find a future employer and tell them about your expertise.
  5. Prepare for the interview: Interviewing skills are a very important element in IT, because it is at this stage that you can show your full expertise and impress the employer. If you show the right side of yourself at the interview, your dream job will be in your pocket.
  6. Participate in professional events: conferences and webinars are often held in the IT sector where you can find new professional contacts, learn a lot of information and just talk to interesting people. You should not neglect this opportunity, attending seminars can have a very positive impact on your career in IT.
  7. Freelancing and internships: to gain valuable experience, you can use freelance platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, etc. You can also do internships in companies to gain real practical experience and then move on to full-time work.

It is not difficult to start your professional career in IT, you just need a desire and willingness to develop. But is it worth it? Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of working in IT and let everyone decide for themselves.

Benefits of working in IT

  • Stable demand for specialists: The IT industry is constantly evolving and growing, which ensures a high and stable demand for qualified specialists in various fields.
  • High salaries: IT professions are usually among the highest paid, providing a decent standard of living and financial stability.
  • Opportunity for career growth: There are many ways to develop professionally and improve your skills in the IT field. The more you know about your field, the higher the position you hold.
  • Flexibility in work: most IT companies offer flexible work schedules, remote work, and other work formats.
  • Innovations and technological progress: working in IT allows you to keep abreast of advanced technologies and trends, as well as to influence the future development of society.
  • International opportunities: IT is a global industry and it allows you to work on international projects and collaborate with colleagues from different countries. This can provide you with new opportunities and be beneficial for your experience and overall development.
  • Creativity and development: working in IT often requires a creative approach to solving complex problems. It is also constantly changing and provides opportunities for self-realization and development. IT professionals have the opportunity to constantly improve their skills and knowledge through various courses, certifications, and self-education.

Disadvantages of working in the IT sector

  • High stress: Employers try their best to prevent employee burnout, but working in IT, burnout happens to every professional from time to time. High stress levels are caused by short deadlines, high quality requirements, frequent technology changes, unpredictable results, and a high level of responsibility.
  • Continuous learning: Some people just want to work and not improve their skills. If you are one of them, then IT is not for you. Information technology requires constant updating of knowledge and skills to stay competitive in the labor market. Sometimes it’s exhausting.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: working at a computer can lead to health problems such as back pain, eye problems, circulation, nervous system, general physical inactivity, and many other problems.
  • Social isolation: Remote work can lead to feelings of isolation due to lack of personal contact with colleagues and people in general. Sometimes even introverts feel unwell due to complete isolation from communication. It also makes it difficult to exchange and receive information.
  • Instability: working in the IT sector in Ukraine (especially) can be unstable, especially for freelancers, where projects can be temporary or dependent on external investors and other factors.
  • High competition: Competition for high-profile positions and projects can be fierce and require constant development and improvement of one’s skills.


IT is an advanced and very popular field of activity that includes many areas. Working in IT has significant advantages and disadvantages, and everyone decides for themselves whether such conditions are suitable for them. In order to get a job in IT, you need to work hard and constantly develop. If you are ready for this, welcome to IT!

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A cover letter that catches the eye of employers

A cover letter is an important document when selecting a candidate that is attached to a resume when applying for a job. The employer sees the cover letter before the resume, and this document may determine whether your job application is reviewed.

The importance of a cover letter

  1. Personalization: A cover letter allows you to personalize your application for a specific job or company. You can emphasize why you are the right person for the position and what attracts you to the company.
  2. Reinforce your resume: While a resume provides an overview of your experience and skills, a cover letter allows you to elaborate on aspects of your career that are particularly relevant to a particular role.
  3. Explaining career breaks: If you have periods on your resume or CV when you were not working or engaged in other projects, it can cause distrust or suspicion among employers. A cover letter allows you to explain the reasons for these breaks and, on the contrary, convince the employer of your motivation and readiness for new challenges.

A cover letter to a resume has a great impact on the employer and allows you to describe your skills and other points that are missed in the resume in more detail. But how do you create a cover letter correctly?

How to write a cover letter?

To make your cover letter work in your favor, use the following structure:

  1. Personalization: Indicate who you are addressing and where you found the vacancy. State why you are interested in this particular position and company. It is also advisable to mention some points related to this particular company, if any (for example, you once did a project work for them or your friends worked here)
  2. Structure: Divide your letter into an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should include your name, the position you are applying for, and the purpose of the letter.
  3. Describe your experience: In the body of the letter, describe your experience and relevant skills. Emphasize the achievements that best match the job requirements. Mention everything related to the job to highlight your experience and showcase your strengths.
  4. Motivation: Explain why you are attracted to the position and the company. Indicate how your professional goals intersect with the company’s policies and alignment with the ideology.
  5. Closing: Thank them for their attention, express your readiness for an interview, and provide contact information for further communication.
  6. Edit and check: Make sure the email contains correct grammar and is formatted correctly. Ask someone to review it before sending it.

We’ve looked at a sample cover letter, but how do you write it in a way that will make the employer pay attention to you?

How to write a cover letter to catch the employer’s attention?

how-write-cover letter
  1. Start with a personal touch: use the name of the person you are addressing or the name of the company to show a personal touch. It sounds obvious, but not all people use it, but a personalized appeal works very well.
  2. Use a clear example or achievement: talk about your greatest achievements and give an example of a successful case. Of course, you need to make a first impression, so you need to evoke emotion. But never lie in your cover letter or resume about your skills and achievements.
  3. Pay attention to common goals: Learn about the company’s goals, slogans, and policies and emphasize how your goals align with theirs. This will make the employer feel like you are the right person for them.
  4. Ask questions or open them up to dialogue: Use questions or provocative statements that stimulate thinking, show your interest, and force a response. Some people take this point too literally and try to evoke emotion by any means necessary, but it should be done in a loyal and subtle way.
  5. Stand out from the crowd: Use an unusual aspect of your career or personality that will help you stand out from other candidates. Indicate what you consider to be your strengths and how it can help in the work process.
  6. Create a short but interesting cover letter: avoid common phrases and create a short text so that the employer does not get tired of reading it, but rather wants to learn more and communicate with you. This is where your interviewing skills come in handy.

Let’s take a look at common mistakes when creating a cover letter and understand exactly how not to write a cover letter.

Common mistakes when writing a cover letter

  1. Too general text: using simple, generic, template phrases that are not memorable and do not stand out at all. Always tailor your letter to each job posting.
  2. Grammatical and spelling mistakes: the literacy of a cover letter also affects the attitude of a future employer. Perhaps mistakes in the text will help you stand out, but definitely not for the better. Check the text before sending it to the employer.
  3. Lack of structure: When you write a text without a clear structure, the employer does not understand what its purpose is, what they should see, and why this document was created in the first place. It seems that having an introduction, main body, and conclusion is a school fiction, but having a structure simplifies the perception of information and allows you to convey the main idea of what you have written to the reader. Use a structure so that the person reading it can understand the purpose of the letter, your personality, and your conclusions.
  4. Repetition of resume: a common mistake when people do not know what else to tell about themselves and repeat their resume. Perhaps in this case, the cover letter will arouse interest, but when the employer gets to the resume, he will feel disappointed because he expected something unusual, and there will be the same information.
  5. Too long a letter: no one will read a letter that is too long.
  6. Lack of enthusiasm: a very interesting and not obvious mistake. In every office, factory, etc., there are a lot of employees who come to work and work to get through the day. Every employer has enough unmotivated employees who do not show enthusiasm, but simply complete tasks. Therefore, a cover letter without enthusiasm will not interest anyone. A dry, unemotional text will only cause negativity and you will most likely get a rejection.
  7. Non-compliance with the requirements: any vacancy has requirements and they exist for a reason. Your cover letter should indicate that you are exactly the person they are looking for and fully meet the company’s requirements.
  8. Lack of a call to action: this is the most unobvious factor, because we all think that everything depends on the employer and he will decide whether to hire you or not. However, if you include a call to action in your cover letter, such as “call me and we can talk more” or “please reply, I’m ready to work”, you will be able to stand out from the crowd and really push the employer to respond. This kind of call is usually perceived as a bit cheeky, but a properly crafted call to action evokes positive emotions.

Sample cover letter

Dear Viktor Ivanovich,

My name is Sergey, I am interested in your vacancy and as an SEO specialist with over 7 years of experience, I can be useful in this position.

At my previous job at Rozetka, I was responsible for analyzing and developing the semantic core. In a few years, I became an expert in my field and expanded the company’s semantics by 115% (a very good result for a company of this size).

Why do I want to work for your company? I like the fact that you focus on the company’s reputation and always do everything in good faith, my policy is the same as yours, I believe that quality is much more important than speed.

I will be waiting for your call to answer all your questions and am ready to work!

Best regards,



A cover letter is just as important a document as a resume and it influences the employer’s first opinion of you and your skills. If you want to be hired, write a good cover letter (make the right structure, use appeals, pay attention to common goals and calls to action). Do not use common mistakes, because then you will be like everyone else and will not be able to stand out in the eyes of the employer.

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